About us
Mário Vidal
I truly believe that everything starts with an adventure, a challenge. I have no doubt that this is the best surf and wine experience in the world. We are here to conquer you, to mark your life with as many special moments as we can. If not to be unforgettable, to make you feel happy at all times and in every detail… – then what for?
It could not be any other way as this is my vision, commitment and personal guarantee.
Make your way to Portugal and join us for the most luxurious surf and wine adventures in the land of extrordinary wines, absolutely delicious food and some of the world’s best surf – Welcome home!
António Pedro de Sá Leal
António Pedro was born in 1971 in Lisbon, graduated in Philosophy at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His connection to surfing is long and intense having started at Adrenalina in 1998 .In 2001 created the company Alfarroba that contributed in a decisive way to the affirmation of Surf in Portugal. He reactivated the National Surfing Championship, having also organized the main international surfing championships between 2003 and 2009. Created Free Surf from scratch the first and only free surf magazine in Portugal, boosted the presence of countless top brands in surfing, brought some even for surfing. In 2015 launched with the FPS a new sport with the creation of the National Bodysurf Championship which has been a success.
He is co-author of the book Portugal Surf Guide, the first complete Surf Guide of Portuguese waves (UZINA BOOKS -1st edition 2012, 2nd edition 2017). He is the author of the book Surfing- The Next Step (LEYA- CASA DAS LETRAS – 2018).
He is the founder and chairman of the Surfrider Foundation Europe in Lisbon, since 2011, a global NGO that defends the environment and the oceans
He is currently president of the Surf Social Wave Association, a non-profit association that uses surfing as a way of empower uneployed people to find they’re way.
He is also a certificate Surf Instructor since 2009, with a track record in his surf academy of more than 15.000 people.
Ricardo Palma Veiga
There is no way not to like him. There is always a new place to visit, a fantastic wine to taste. I won’t even talk about the cook he is and the way he harmonizes endless dinners. He is a profound connoisseur of the Portuguese wines panorama and the best wine tourism properties. As a professional photographer with a connection to the wine industry for over 20 years, having worked in reference publications and after more than 600,000 km travelled, he is an unavoidable figure. Recognized from north to south, respected for the quality of his work. Few know like him what is best done in the wine sector. Maintains genuine friendships with the main producers who often invite him to share the news. Embodies perfectly in the Surf Wine Tours spirit.
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